Engineers & Inspectors
Staying ahead of the curve with information in an ever-changing marketplace plays a key role with today’s engineering community. Today’s inspectors face challenges with non-compliant products and either misinformation or lack of understanding about proper firestop systems for pipe penetrations. Liability and risk plan an important role as we depend on Engineers to properly design mechanical systems and Inspectors to ensure compliance.
Firestopping: Effective fire stopping requires accurate adherence to a precise combination of components and conditions that have been tested as a system to determine their fire resistance capacity. These listed fire stop system components and conditions include; penetrated substrate, the size and material of the penetrating item, the size and shape of the penetration hole, and insulation materials and sealant, hardware, the quantity type and installation method for the full system. Deviation from any of the listed system components severely compromises the overall effectiveness of the firestop, and renders that penetration to not meet our codes. Incorrect firestop installations are unfortunately too common. In the event of a fire the consequences could include preventable dangerous exposure to fire and smoke for egressing building occupants and responding fire fighters as well as excessive property damage.
Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings: Quality cast iron soil pipe and fittings can easily be identified by the collective trademark of CISPI. You can’t beat the unsurpassed quality, reliability or safety of domestically manufactured cast iron soil pipe and fittings – they’ve been used safely and reliably in residential and commercial buildings behind walls and under foot for generations.